I reviewed this play and I didn't like it very much. Crapping hell it bored me. So I said as much in the review.
I generally look up what other reviewers have been saying after I've written my review and it was hilarious how much all the others have been gushing about this one, compared to mine.
What could I do? I really was quite bored with it and I really didn't think the humour was very funny, but with so much opinion being so opposite, I must have just been in a grumpy mood. Still, this was my experience of this play and I had to send it in.
Odd, because I had been in quite a good mood before going into the theatre. And yet... was my mood such a factor in my not enjoying the play?
I don't know. I'm not sure about very much at the moment. Given the evidence, I probably got it wrong with this one. Just have to roll with it.
Half a week later: And look, because the comments have been good and supportive (and I do appreciate that), read one of the many positive reviews about an earlier version of the play. This review, like so many others, would make me want to see the play, and there must have been something about it that made me want to see it regardless. It really does sound like the kind of theatre I'm into but there was obviously something wrong with me on this occasion.
It's been an interesting process. I am very tempted to go back and see the thing this afternoon. Now there's an idea...
It's a good article. And I don't think it's bad to be upfront with not liking something. Not everything can be brilliant, can they? I think the point is that the play works for others out there. :)
Thank you. It's the first time I've thought that maybe I really actually did get it wrong. Like I was in the wrong mood or something. But I was in the mood for good theatre when I went in and it was the play that put me in a grumpy mood.
I dunno. Didn't enjoy it, that's all. Tempted to go see it again to see what happens second time around. Have never had the urge to do that with other stuff I've disliked.
Call it as you see it, Lee. Otherwise, you're just a whore. And that you ain't! (Not that there's anything wrong with that. Look at the Jane Fonda character in Klute! Look at Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman! Lovely people!)
Given that, I can change my mind about any art depending on my mood. But if your mood was changed from 'good' to 'grumpy', I don't think I'll be rushing out to see it!
I wonder if it's a question of you getting it 'wrong' or if it's just you worrying because you think you should be thinking what others are thinking.
Art is so personal, there's no reason why you have to like something because others do. Maybe at some point later on you might like it...or you might dislike it even more.
I know that shaky feeling though!
Hello Meva. Good to see that you are about again. And I totally get what you're saying - loads of people say that I have a nose like Jane Fonda's.
I dunno. I couldn't have written any other review (except for a more detailed, less rushed one). But I just think I might have gotten it wrong. I didn't like it, I can't think of much about it that I'd like to experience again, but I do feel that the fault was perhaps with the way I was taking stuff in, given how much everyone else liked it.
Remember that movie Kenny? I was totally bored with it. Really didn't think it was a good movie but everyone else loved it. Same deal with this play - so many people say it's good, maybe it's good. Have to see it again.
Hey GG. I don't mind not liking what everyone else is liking. It's just when I am the only one disliking something that everyone else is gushing about that I start to question things.
I'm right in saying that I didn't like the play at that time; I don't know if I'm right in stating that it's not a good play.
I can see by your clumsy use of language that the job of theatre reviewer is beyond you. Give it up and return to playing tetris or whatever your cold, walnut sized brain enjoys.
I've never claimed to be anything other than clumsy. Bumbling is the word I usually use. But I never post anonymously, you silly twat.
The problem with your review is that you did not actually review the play. You just told us how it made you feel and with very little conviction, because you keep reminding us that your girl and everyone else loved it. Go and see it again, make up your mind and then tell us what you think. But, can you actually say something about the story, the performances, the design... anything that would suggest you know what you are talking about.
I'm getting a bit tired of these anonymous comments. But good point, Barneytheboo, whoever you are. Unfortunately there are times when when I have to belt out reviews in a very short time and send them off immediately. I wish I was awesomely talented and every first draft was Shakespearean. But I'm just me, and some reviews are not as well executed as others.
I did mention the direction, and I did cover the acting - sometimes it was good, other times it was just shouting. I said that my girl liked it because I'm admitting that maybe it just wasn't working with me on the night. The comedy sketches reminded me of something from Hey Hey It's Saturday. Sorry - just how it affected me on the night. I though the audience reaction to the comedy bits was polite, as it so often is at The Old Fitzroy.
My understanding of reviewing is that you tell people whether you liked or disliked a play and why you liked or disliked it. I wasn't engaged by these characters or the story. That lack of engagement is a valid opinion that could stem from the acting or just whatever that secret ingredient is that makes theatre so wonderful. I wasn't feeling it on the night.
I might go back and see it. I might admit that I got it wrong, or that I didn't like it second time around. Either way, I'll put my name at the end of the review.
Sorry Quick, Barney is my name and I am quite well know in the theatre world and just for the record I am really leaving two names cause my nickname is Boo. You are obviously not in the theatre world. Fair cop on the last blogger who did not leave a name, but give it a rest, I'm hardly anonymous. Obviously you don't like being reviewed on your reviews. Very sensitive I must say. I thought the play was bloody fantastic, one of the best I've ever seen. But, you like Doof Doof don't you.....How's that brain of yours???
Sorry Quick, Barney is my name and I am quite well know in the theatre world and just for the record I am really leaving two names cause my nickname is Boo. You are obviously not in the theatre world. Fair cop on the last blogger who did not leave a name, but give it a rest, I'm hardly anonymous. Obviously you don't like being reviewed on your reviews. Very sensitive I must say. I thought the play was bloody fantastic, one of the best I've ever seen. But, you like Doof Doof don't you.....How's that brain of yours???
Hello Barney. It's good you are "well know in the theatre world." I feel happy for you, you dull chump.
Thanks for posting your idiocy twice.
I have no problem with people disliking what I write. I just like criticism to be clearly written.
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