Had such extended, vivid dreaming last night. Could understand where some of it came from, didn't get some of it but just felt it meant something. There was a feeling of portent and fear. Something ain't right.
Still, what do you do? Sent off what I feel is one of my best short stories to a mag overseas (it's a dark love story... will I ever stop writing about love?) and have started compiling some funny stuff to approach agents and publishers with.
Meantime, I read about wishies while reading Isabelle's blog. I like the idea of something called a wishie.
That's interesting, a wishie, that is. I do make a wish every time I blow dandelion fluff but never knew there were others out there that are not dandelions.
Did my ghost pics give you frightening dreams? Or were they just a bit silly?
I meant were the photos silly, not your dreams. :)
Nah, don't remember what I dreamed last night. The dream that spooked me was the night before, and I still remember parts of it vividly. Mainly it's a feeling it left me with. Dunno.
The photos were fun. Will look at them again later.
Which reminds me, I haven't read any of your short stories in awhile!
I'll send you something right now...
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