This was a hot party. Maybe you heard about the fires in Victoria? Same heatwave here, less fire.
Beautiful spot. Loads of good friends. The Battle Of The Lilo was hysterical. More pics later. In the shots, Ann andMick and Mick and me and Ann and then me and Vannessa and Dannielle... fun stuff.
Felt quite a bit like we drove a long way to sit in a muddy river for a lot of hours. Fun though.
The dancefloor was big and mostly empty because of the heat. The three of us dancing in that shot? Friend was playing to a completely empty dancefloor so we gave the camera to him, ran out there and danced madly for a bit, just so he was playing for someone. We could only take it for a short while before heading back to the river.
Bit bloody sobering to realise that while we were partying on, Victoria was in flames. Worst bushfires we've ever had. Weird when you go away doofing - the outside world just gets put on hold for a bit.
Looks like a lot of hot fun!
You bet. Temperature has dropped fully by 20 degrees now. I think everyone really did do more swimming than dancing.
Love that first hpoto!
Um photo!
The Gone Dancing hpoto is my favourite too. We were all sitting htere looking at the sign and lauhging so I htought I'd better snap it.
I'm enjoying htis hpotohgrahpy hting.
ha. You're a head.
Sorry. I just don't have anything more intelligent to say. And that was the first thought I had when I saw the photo of you swimming.
Glad you explained, Gin. I've never been laughed at and told "You're a head" before. Dickhead maybe, not just a head.
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