But the nights, short as they were, brimmed with laughter and good times. Countless funny little episodes as we gazed at the wonderful weirdness that is Dali, huddled laughing in a tiny theatre, or sunk into a couch in a bar and laughed at the antics of fellow drinkdancers.
On those short nights, I didn't wonder, was just glad that I was there at all.
Glad you had a good time in my town. When are you moving down?
It's a good city. And don't know - it could happen. Wouldn't be for a while yet though.
Fun fun! :-)
Are you being more morose than usual. Did I miss something? I linked to you on my blog fina-fucking-lly.
You haven't missed anything, BVV... no hang on you've missed heaps. Whatever. Going to post my most recent Grumpy colummn shortly. I'll show you Bemorose.
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