Wednesday, September 24, 2008

4am epiphany

4am epiphanies. Don't you love them?


Kathryn said...

Depends. I don't really like being up at 4am unless there's a very good reason. Is the epiphany life-changing?

Lee Bemrose said...

4am epiphanies always seem life-changing at 4am. Around 10am they just seem stupid.

Chris Boyd said...

Well, WTF was it?!

Lee Bemrose said...

Hehe. Wondered if anyone was going to ask.

I've sometimes speculated about my lack of focus. I sometimes think the cosmos is almost giving me success but I never commit to something 100%. I keep letting my day job get in the way of making it to opening nights etc, and at 4am the other morning I was convinced that this is exactly what was happening and that starting from today I am not going to let my paid job get in the way of my writing (both fiction and non) and that generally I'm just going to commit to one thing. I'm going to focus on one direction and the cosmos will probably allow me to be a little more successful.

Of course when daylight rolled around I realised that my faux chefing gig pays more than my writing gig so I can't fully commit to the thing I really enjoy.

Also, having said all of that, I've just set up my new CD mixer because I have a DJ gig in January and I thought it would be a good idea to learn how to mix. A whole new area of non-commitment looms...