Maybe it's the way they move their hips, or the way they smile as they dance, eyes closed, lost to the music. They might become a friend, they might become someone you smile at and say hello to whenever you see them. Maybe you'll never see them again.
But sometimes you might just get caught out checking out your own partner.
Aww aint doofy love grand??
VERY cute Lee!! You ol'honey dripper you...
Going to get "Sweet talkin' honey dripper" on a T shirt.
And yeah BVV - I punched his face in, took his head off and shat in his neck.
Ever danced 'rent a tile' style? Couples here love it...
Actually that guy looks as if he's thinking "Shit, did I leave the gas on?"
No it'more like "Awww dernit, I left the gas on AGAIN."
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