And as chins go, I think both ones pictured are fine. They are fine examples of people's chins.
I'll be seeing Tattoo tomorrow night and hope to catch Travesties. I did see David Williamson's The Removalists the other day and really enjoyed it. Blackly funnier than expected. Will post review later (with a shot of someone's chin).
Also saw something called Late Night Lounge at The Studio, Sydney Opera House. Wonderful show. Highlight for me was cellist Zoe Keating. I was insto-fan. Lots of great stuff, some really funny stuff... crazy sexy woman called Julie Muz Atlas did a weird thing with getting her gear off while getting inside a big balloon. Loved Amanda Palmer too. And Meow Meow... hilarious as ever. Oddly, she sat down at our table for a bit (right next to me and everything) and I was about to ask what in the hell is going on with my song, but some clingly guyfriend came between us. Probably a good thing because I don't think she had a clue who I was, but if I reminded her of the song my stalker status would have been confirmed.
Really loved Zoe's cello playing. Really.
Seriously, really.
Oh and PS etc... really don't understand why editors think it's okay to insert their jokiness into your writing. Have only just now had the chance to read the printed pieces properly, and I just don't get why you would do it. I didn't write the (luft?) balloons bit and have no idea how that adds anything to the story. Yeah - it was a German pop song, but wot? I just don't get why people feel the need to do that kind of thing.
Here's an idea - run your joke by me first before you think it's a good thing to try to jolly up my writing. I mean, my name is on it, I'd like to be responsible for the good and the bad.
Why? Why?
Nice review. It sounds like a great play!
Thanks, Y. Not sure which one you are referring to. Hadn't seen either at the time of writing - both are previews, which are strange things to write.
Just got back from Tattoo. It was quite odd. Not sure what I thought about it. Walked all the way home through Darlinghurst to Redfern wondering what I thought about it. Review due in tomorrow. I wonder what I thought about it.
Editors are so often irksome gits. They smugly abuse their petty little bit of authority. When something I've written is altered, it often takes away much of my pleasure in seeing it published. Often it's changed because I was being too subtle or too radical for the editor to get it.
But the worst ones are the ones who don't pay you the money they've promised.
That's it, Drodbar. When I was an editor I would never add anything, just smooth the wrinkles. One time I spotted a mistake a writer had made and saw the potential to turn it into something really funny, but I ran it by the writer first. Luckily we had similar senses of humour and he went for it. I think if you cannot help yourself and feel you have to add something an [Ed] to signify these are not the writer's words is the polite thing to do.
Mostly I haven't had issues with any of my editors though. And I do try not to be precious because I'm not perfect and they do save my arse on occasion.
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