Monday, May 15, 2006

No Animals Were hurt In the Blogging of This thing.

Right. so. It's like this... I'm a little drunk right now... just the ususla drunk, but I think I should warn yo. Because Bloogging under the influence is not the ideal thing of doing stuff./

I looked throughb my photos of the recent trip and fuck man, that was amazing. I love the places I went to and the art and the architecture, but I dunno. That fucking pier at Brighton and Bird with that straw in her hair which youve probably not sen yet... and this pic is of a purple and white but mainly purple dog somehow magically caught in the branches of a forest tree... and it's not a real purpke dog btw.

Anyway, it was a weird party, but Brighton was way cool and it's weird to mis a place as much as I miss Paris. And I'm not happy about the missing peopele bit. Something should be done to rectify the thing.

I should probably sleep now.

Nighty night.


Birdy said...

Yes. Hurry up and do something to rectify the thing please Quick.

Lee Bemrose said...

Okay Bird, best I've come up with is: you are a hot young publisher dudette, and I was in Brighton recently, therefore, given that I am unemployed and it's your turn to make the trek, you should somehow come here. And if you were a good person who God would shout a drink, you'd think about doing it sooner rather than later.

Naturally, I'm working on another plan which strategically involves another strategy relying on cunning, daring, a poncho, and... what I like to call... beer.